Croup Tips for Parents

Many parents get very anxious when their child develops croup. Thought I write few tips to help here; image licensed from Shutterstock Most importantly is to reassure the child, they are usually frightened because of their strange sounding cough and harsh noisy...

How to deal with Thumb Sucking

Because many parents asking me about their toddler thumb sucking habits I decided to write a quick post about it, hope it helps some parents out there checking my blog. First of all, it’s OK not to do anything about it! It’s not going to affect them physically or...

Pediatric Podcasts

So I drive to work every day for about 40 minutes one way. I thought the best way to make use of this time is to listen to some pediatric podcasts to refresh my knowledge and also get updates. I previously posted about this but most of those listed in my 2008 post are...

Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE) Instead of ALTE

We have been dealing with the term Apparent Life Threatening Event (ALTE) for decades. The AAP recently released new guidelines addressing this condition for the first time and have appropriately replaced the term ALTE with BRUE (Brief Resolved Unexplained Event)...

Hand Foot Mouth Disease versus Herpangina

My daughter goes to daycare where several other kids were told they have Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) and within few days my daughter has got this oral enanthem We can see there is a big ulcer on the side of the tongue but also several white coated flat vesicles on...

Pediatric Physical Examination

Pediatric Physical Examination is an excellent book for those who are just learning the pediatric exam but it’s also a perfect refresher for seasoned pediatricians. This is a complete and thorough journey through each and every system of the pediatric physical...