Take a look at the picture below
You can see above there is no difference between iPhone 5S and the iPhone 6 Plus, they are both showing the exact same area of the map, the Google Maps app is not taking advantage of the bigger pixel real estate and therefore it’s just zooming in and showing you bigger objects but not more area.
Take a look at Channel two video here below
The above screenshot is an entire iPhone 6 Plus screenshot. You can see that the video window is not taking advantage of the entire iPhone screen, instead it’s cropped into the smaller original window that used to fit the older iPhone screens.
The apps are still designed for the 1136-by-640-pixel dimensions of iPhone 5 and not for the new 1920-by-1080-pixel of the iPhone 6 plus or the 1334-by-750-pixel of the iPhone 6.
So the iPhone 6 is not yet big. Apps and developers have not yet updated their apps to take advantage of the bigger screen.